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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging (2013-2024)

Event Archive

JULY 2016: Research stay of Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehl, University of Arizona, USA

From 1 to 31 July 2016 Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehl is Guest researcher at the URPP.”

May 2016: MaDoKo, 25 May 2016

URPP DynAge organizes the 2016 congress for master students and PhD students (MaDoKo), taking place in the foyer of the Department of Psychology on Wednesday, 25 May 2016.

MAY-DECEMBER 2016: Workshop Series on „Quality of Life“

The Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) and the URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging co-organize a workshop series on „Defining, Measuring and Facilitating Quality of Life“.

NOVEMBER 2015: Research stay Prof. Dr. Manuel Völkle

On 02./03. November 2015 Prof. Dr. Manuel Völkle is Guest researcher at the URPP.

NOVEMBER 2015: Research stay Prof. Dr. David Funder

On 05./06. November 2015 Prof. Dr. David Funderis is Guest researcher at the URPP

OCTOBER 2015: Research stay Prof. Dr. Patrick Hill, Carleton University, CA

from 26. to 31. October 2015 Prof. Dr. Patrick Hill is Guest researcher at the URPP

JULY 2015: Research stay of Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehl, University of Arizona, USA

From 1. to 31. July 2015 Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehl is Guest researcher at the URPP.”

APRIL 2015: Research stay of Prof. Dr. Ken Laidlaw, University of East Anglia, GB

From April 1 to 30, 2015, Prof. Dr. Ken Laidlaw is Guest researcher at the URPP.”

MARCH 2015: Joint Japanese-Swiss Workshop „on "Aging, Health, and Technology"“ in Tokyo, March 18 to 21, 2015

The URPP “Dynamics of Healthy Aging” organized a Japanese-Swiss Joint Workshop on "Aging, Health, and Technology"” in Tokyo in cooperation with the Division of International Relations of the UZH, the Japan Science and Technology Office (JST) and Chiba University in Tokyo.

FEBRUARY 2015: "Persons with dementia exploring art in museums"

Symposium at Kunsthaus Zurich on 23. Februar 2015 "Persons with dementia exploring art in museums" - An event co-hosted by the UZH Gerontology Center and this URPP.

JANUARY 2015: Citizen Science Workshop @ETH

Citizen Science Workshop @ETH Januar 2015.

NOVEMBER 2014: Research stay of Prof. Dr. Timo von Oertzen, University of Virginia, USA

From November 3 to 16, 2014, Prof. Dr. Timo von Oertzen is Guest researcher at the URPP.

SEPTEMBER 2014: INAPIC Fall Workshop 2014

"The Real-Life Psychology of Plasticity and Aging" Held in association with University Research Priority Program (URPP) “Dynamics of Healthy Aging”, and in cooperation with the UZH Center for Gerontology (ZfG), and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW), September 11-13, 2014, University of Zurich.

SEPTEMBER 2014: Research stay of Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wahl, University of Heidelberg, Germany

From September 1 to October 4, 2014, Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wahl is Guest Researcher at the URPP.

JULY 2014: Visit from Prof. Dr. Cliff Abraham, University of Otago, New Zealand

Professor Cliff Abraham has research interests in the neural mechanisms of memory. He has played a leading role in promoting neuroscience research and teaching at the University of Otago.

MARCH 2014: New research study: "Men's health 40+"

In the planned study, we will be examining the relationship between biological, psychological and social variables in healthy men aged 40 to 75 years. We will be specially focusing on the hormonal changes during this aging process and its biopsychosocial consequences.The study is directed by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ehlert. Team: B. Sc. R. Dapunt, B. Sc. A. Frei, B. Sc. F. Meier, L. Coletta, B. Sc. S. Blaser. This project is part of the research focus “Dynamic of healthy aging” from the University of Zurich (Research Group Psychological Health Interventions)

JUNE 2013: New research group examines "Transfer effects of function-based working-memory training"

We are glad to announce the start of another URPP research group which will examine „Transfer effects of function-based working-memory training“ and thus contributes to a better understanding of the foundations of both improvement and stabilization of cognitive health in adults. The group is directed by Prof. Dr. Klaus Oberauer and Dr. Claudia von Bastian.

MAY 2013: URPP DynAge to organize the 11th "MaDoKo" Congress at the Department of Psychology

The URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging will be in charge of organizing the Master's and Doctoral Students' Congress "MaDoKo", to be held in the Spring Semester 2014 at the Department of Psychology of UZH.

APRIL 2013: Start of new research group on "Psychological Health Stabilization in Swiss 'Verding'-Children in Old Age"

The research group "Psychological Health Stabilization in Swiss 'Verding'-Children in Old Age" has started, including the URPP-affiliated doctoral student Andreas Küffer and with Co-PIs Prof. Dr. Andreas Maercker and Dr. Andrea Burri. The goal of this research group is to examine the potential for and limitations of health stabilization in old age in a subpopulation of vulnerable individuals who experienced a trauma during their childhood.

APRIL 2013: Professor of Geriatrics nominated

Prof. Dr. Heike Bischoff-Ferrari, one of the UFSP Deputy Directors, was nominated as Professor of Geriatrics and Aging Research by the University Council on April 8, 2013. Prof. Dr. Heike Bischoff-Ferrariwill also serve as director of the new Geriatrics Clinic at the University Hospital Zurich. She has been the director of the Center for Age and Mobility (ZAM) of the University of Zurich and the Waid Spital Zurich since 2008.

MARCH-MAY 2013: First URPP and LIFE Senior Research Associate in Zurich

We welcome Prof. Dr. Steven Boker (University of Virginia, USA) at the University of Zurich as the first URPP DynAge and LIFE* Senior Research Associate. Prof. Boker will be visiting from March 23 thru May 3, 2013 to collaborate on methodological and conceptual questions related to individualized change and stabilization trajectories in cognitive and non-cognitive personal resources as well as brain functioning.

*LIFE = International Max Planck Research School "The Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Dynamics"

MARCH 2013: Start of URPP Training Laboratory

Headed by Dr. Claudia von Bastian, the URPP Training Lab has been launched as of March 1, 2013, focusing on training, plasticity and transfer particularly in the domain of working memory in healthy young and older adults as well as on continued development of the open source training and testing framework Tatool.

JANUARY 2013: New University Research Priority Program (URPP) "Dynamics of healthy aging"

As one of 8 new URPPs starting 2013, the URPP "Dynamics of healthy aging" will focus on the application-oriented exploration of the neurophysiological, neuroanatomical, psychological, and medical underpinnings of psychological health in middle to old age.

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