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URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging


News list

  • Leading the Way in Research on Aging

  • Vontobel Award for Research on Age(ing) 2024

  • Physical and Social Activities Promote Healthy Brain Aging

  • Adding Years to Life and Life to Years

  • Warren Buffet Isn’t Past It

  • Mr. Deetlefs Sings in Cavalleria Rusticana

  • Dr. Tabea Meier is among the winners of this year's Vontobel Award for Research on Ageing

  • UZH Magazin Issue on Healthy Aging

  • Melanie Becker, M.Sc. Won a Poster Prize at MADOKO 2023

  • How Old Am I Really?

  • The FragMent Project - A Study on Stress in Your Daily Life

  • Vontobel Award for Research on Age(ing) 2023

  • Beneficial Effects of Daily Activity Diversity in Older Adults

  • Workouts for the Brain

  • Dr. Minxia Luo is among the winners of this year's Vontobel Award for Research on Ageing

  • UZH Joins Age-Friendly University Network

  • Healthy Longevity Around the World

  • How to Quarrel Constructively

  • New UZH Healthy Longevity Center

  • Academic Education Can Positively Affect Aging of the Brain

  • Healthy Relationships Between Generations

  • New Book - "Altersgerechte digitale Kanäle: Webseiten und mobile Apps"

  • Dr. Damaris Aschwanden & Dr. Theresa Pauly are among the winners of this year's Vontobel Award for Research on Ageing

  • Education and Learning Needs in Older Age

  • New Book - "Sehbeeinträchtigung im Alter: Alltagserleben, Rehabilitation und Motivation"

  • Olenka Dworakowski, M.Sc. and Charlotte A. Kukowski, M.Sc. each received a Poster Prize at MADOKO 2021

  • Martyna Beata Plomecka, M.Sc. & Dr. Katharina Bernecker were awarded annual Open Science Prizes by the UZH Psychology Department

  • Standing up to Stress

  • Dr. Minxia Luo received one of this year's FAN Awards

  • Smartphone App to Change Your Personality

  • Female language style promotes visibility and influence online

  • Old and weak? No way!

  • WHO Baseline Report for the Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030)

  • Tabea Meier, M.Sc. was awarded an Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowship by the Swiss National Science Foundation

  • NESTORE, your personal coach in old age

  • PASEZ Project - Impact of stress on relationship development of couples and children

  • CAS "Beratungskompetenz zum Leben im Alter"

  • Tabea Meier, M.Sc. wins the annual Open Science Prize of the UZH Psychology Department

  • The healing effect of writing

  • Dr. Jessica Oschwald wins the annual dissertation prize of the UZH Philosophical Faculty

  • From boot camp to start-up

  • Online dating flourishes during shutdown

  • OldSchool. A distance learning platform for 65+

  • New Book - Personality and Healthy Aging in Adulthood: New Directions and Techniques

  • The most urgent questions about mental health in Corona times

  • EU funded NESTORE Project finalises its integration phase

  • The power of writing

  • Dr. Burcu Demiray wins Vontobel Award for Research on Ageing

  • We don't have to have deep conversations all the time

  • A steeled mind

  • Swiss Network for Well-Being and Aging

  • New German update of the automated text analysis program LIWC has been released

  • A guide for relatives of dementia patients

  • Brain doping: How to become smarter

  • Playfully train the brain

  • Memory training doesn't lead to a general increase in cognitive performance

  • Can cognitive training really make us smarter?

  • How to measure quality of life?

  • What type of memory training works?

  • How can citizen science change research?

  • The Digital Society Initiative (DSI) of the UZH was launched

  • New Head of UZH Senior University

  • Person-centred health research and the preservation of quality of life

  • Technology for old age

  • Technology: A look from Switzerland to Japan and back

  • Preservation of quality of life despite multimorbidity

  • Article about the URPP DynAge in the UZH Journal

  • Presentation of the new URPPs using the example of the URPP DynAge at the Annual Media Conference of the UZH

  • UZH Annual Report

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Do you have news that could be of interest for our community? Let us know!


Dr. Marc Grosjean
Scientific Project Developer/Manager
Phone: +41 44 635 74 15
